Santa Christmas Eve Cookie Plate
Chloe's mommy just loved making this with her. So easy and was a fun quick craft. Ok lets see how Chloe did it.
Here is what you will need: One clear glass plate (we got ours at the ARC thrift store, what a great way to refurbish something and it only cost 40 cents!) what ever size you like. It should have a flat surface on the bottom. Tissue paper in whatever pattern you like and then a plain color (white like us, red, green or blue) as well. Sprinkles and Mod Podge.
First Chloe needs to tear both tissue papers into small pieces, thats it Chloe now tear that piece one more time. Almost ready to start making the plate.
Now we need the mod podge and a brush. Turn over the plate and cover with a good layer of glue on the backside.
Before starting on the tissue paper pieces Chloe needs to sprinkle some sprinkles all over the glue so the plate will sparkle.
The first layer Chloe will put on is the patterned tissue leaving some spaces open so when the second layer (white tissue) goes on it will be seen through the patterned pieces. Lookin good Chloe.
Now Chloe has finished putting on two layers (putting on glue as needed) and is placing on a whole sheet of white tissue paper, then a last layer of glue all over. After we waited for it to dry which took forever it seemed but was not that long really, mommy cut around the edge of the plate and cleaned up any funky parts.
There you have it! Santa's cookie plate, now we just need to wait till Christmas Eve to fill it up with cookies for Santa. Mommy thinks it turned out pretty good and Chloe knows for sure Santa will like Mommy's cookies on this plate.
The camera is not doing the sparkles justices but they add a great touch.
Thank you all for stopping by!
Merry Christmas!!!